The Great Picture Hunt

And here we are – a new novel. So what’s the greatest challenge likely to be, researching, writing? You’d think; but not so, in my experience.

Research is a joy to be embraced, any excuse and you’ll find me in the library or trawling the Internet, divining for those drops of certainty that help me span the gap between fantasy and credibility. And along the way the glorious thrill of serendipity, the unsought gems that present themselves, unexpected but greatly welcome; inspirational, perhaps not now, but for the next book maybe.

Then comes the writing; an intangible product of the sub, semi, and fully conscious mind. A flow, or stutter, of words and rhythms, constructions and cadences. By the strangest alchemy the words come good, eventually, and the book takes form.

But all these, the dialogues and dilemmas of the raw writing process, pale in deference to the great picture hunt.

It’s done; crafted, polished and prepared. This work requires but one small thing to send it out into the uncertain world; presentation. The word has a power to diminish, to subjugate, to intimidate. Without its wrapping of allure it’s nothing, this book. Without the arresting image, the seductive conceit, then all is naught. And so the hunt begins. The galleries, the image libraries, the pale and wasted lands of the layman’s imagination; all are searched for that one compelling image. Finally the picture forms, persuades you of its power to entice.

I want, no, MUST have that one. And then…..

Copyright, clearances, fees and assurances; each strives to bar the way; each opens a door to compromise.

Perhaps if I design it myself? Oh please…..make it stop.